Mother's day

Where would we be without our mothers?
That’s why, once a year, we show our gratitude for
everything our mothers do for us, what they mean to
us and show them how much we love them through giving gifts.

The form the Mother’s Day bonbon takes is – of course
– a heart. These hearts are one way of paying tribute to
our Mums. Perhaps even with a gift box of chocolate
hearts. What mother wouldn’t love that?
We also offer an alternative gift box for Mother’s Day,
containing 10 Picassos in two different flavours.

The hearts are also available in bulk as well as in
gift-box form, making them ideal for expanding
your range with dark chocolate hearts filled with
raspberry caramel, milk chocolate with a creamy chai
latte, a gianduja heart and a heart made from the
fourth chocolate, the RUBY, filled with red fruit ganache.
